4 Mart 2015 Çarşamba

European Bioplastics Conference to celebrate its aluminium anniversary

European Bioplastics is going to celebrate its 10th anniversary this year during the gathering in Berlin. The occasion will be held at Maritim Prorate Hotel for the European Bioplastics Conference on 5th and 6th November. During the conference, about 40 companies will represent their innovative products and projects under the bioplastics product exhibition. Various social networking events will also be organized during the occasion. Gala dinner will be on limelight during the conference.

Read more about this matter here – http://www.bioplasticsmagazine.com/en/news/meldungen/20150226_EUBP.php

European Bioplastics is committed for representation of interests of stakeholders regarding the whole value chain as it is one of the leading industrial associations in the field of bioplastics production. Call for papers and registration of delegates will be published shortly. The event involves political, global and European non private sects too. One more thing to make the event special is diversity of delegations. European Bioplastics is the European association having members that manufacture, refine and distribute bioplastics which are compostable. The company is known for production of bioplastics which are sometimes both, bio-based and compostable. The diversity of delegation is probably strong and expected to move forward towards growth. This will definitely set a new trend in the pan industry.

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