13 Mart 2015 Cuma

The Bio Business Award 2015 goes to DuPont for introducing eco-friendly technology

The Bio Business Award 2015 has been awarded to DuPont Industrial Biosciences for breakthrough Biobased technology foundation. The award ceremony has been held in Amsterdam under the world bio markets conference. The company is known well for development of sorona biopolymer which is a high performance, sustainable fiber that bears 37 percent renewable biobased ingredients. The fiber utilizes 30 percent lesser energy and decreases emission of the greenhouse gas up to 63 percent in comparison to nylon 6 which is used commonly.

Simon Herriott, the business director of Biomaterials stated that the company has a good and long history in the textile industry. DuPont continues introducing new technologies like Sorona that offers a liberty to designers to show their creativity without any compromise with the quality and performance. Further he adds that these kind of bio-friendly fibers are beneficial for everyone, textile mills, manufacturers and designers as they can provide sustainable clothing to consumers.

Read more on this matter here – http://www.bioplasticsmagazine.com/en/news/meldungen/20150309-DuPont-wins-award-for-breakthrough-tech-platform.php

The textile industry enjoyed great revolution under after discovery of the Sorona carpet fiber as it sets a new standard for soft, stain resistant and good quality carpets. DuPont demonstrated that sustainable fiber needs not to be compromised with performance as it is efficient to perform good. The company set up partnership with Vipul Sarees in 2014 for making soft and colorful georgette, chiffon, satin and crepe sarees.

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