6 Eylül 2014 Cumartesi

Bioplastic, demand of the modern world for sustainability

Demand of bio-plastics in food and packaging industry is going higher day by day. Bio-plastics are nothing but those eco-friendly plastic products that look attractive and offer good alternative for exclusion of harmful plastic materials from the environment. The best thing to know about the newly developed bioplastics by leading production groups now is their sustainability and flexible approach. They are designed to be degraded completely within 6 months of composting.

Read more about the matter here at – http://www.packagingeurope.com/Packaging-Europe-News/60002/Bioplastics-Opportunities-and-Challenges-.html

Packaging industries in the modern time are introducing the biggest application field of bio-based plastics. According to a report, about 68 percent of global bio-plastic is applied in packaging industries and as per the estimation; this percentage will go higher up to 80 within a few upcoming years. The emerging bio-plastic industry faces obstructions by various factors like low production, high cost, lesser mechanical and physical properties and short life cycles. In order to resolve a variety of shortcomings, various developments in the commercial level are required such as production and promotion of bulk products to reduce the investment, high quality production to gain customers’ favor and good modifications as per the demand of products. In order to produce biobased plastics, products based upon starch like cellulose, PLA and PET are taken under consideration. Even sugarcane is also being subjected for the production of Bio-PE in order to reduce the cost of production.

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